
A selection of my most recent and best-performing copy...


VNSH Laser Strike System

Over several months, I wrote multiple versions of this flow, which sells a dry-fire laser handgun training system. You can see the final control front-end page below.

- $1.8M Lifetime Gross Revenue (both internal & cold traffic)
- 3.5% Conversion Rate at Launch
- $180 AOV


Modern Needs Survival Sauna Bag

Getting a decent AOV for cold traffic was a tough nut to crack, but we eventually got there with MQ pricing that offers a juicy free bonus for quantities of 4+.🤠

- $1.5M Lifetime Gross Revenue (across internal and cold traffic)
- 3.7% Conversion Rate at Launch
- $70 AOV


Modern Needs Ready Filter

Despite being a bit knock-off, we had very good luck using this product as a front-end offer, and I was able to drive solid performance on the back-end of the funnel.

- $500k Lifetime Gross Revenue (across internal and cold traffic)
- 3.2% Conversion Rate at Launch
- $75 AOV


Modern Needs Tactical Laser

People just love these things for some reason... we liked calling em' Special Forces Lightsabers and this page still runs today.

- $370k Lifetime Gross Revenue (email/sms traffic only)
- 6% Conversion Rate at Launch
- $95 AOV


Pain Safari XL Shockwave

What can I say? This thing really is terrifying, which made it a pretty easy sell for our audience.

- $350k Lifetime Gross Revenue (email/sms traffic only)
- 3.8% Conversion Rate
- $117 AOV


Pain Safari Shockwave Mini

Despite being hamstrung by not being able to run cold traffic, this offer has been a consistent winner for over a year.

- $300k Lifetime Gross Revenue (email/sms traffic only)
- 6.2% Conversion Rate
- $108 AOV


VNSH Shadow Gun Magnet

Unfortunately, this offer was shut down early due to patent conflicts, but had a decent run while it lasted!

- $300k Lifetime Gross Revenue (email/sms traffic only)
- 5.9% Conversion Rate at Launch
- $80 AOV